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Article III – Membership

Memberships are available to the following individuals: Any person shall be eligible to apply for professional membership whose specific assignment is carrying out public information and community relations responsibilities in support of a k-12 public educational institution, agency or association.

The Executive Board may designate categories of membership. Changes in membership categories and attendant dues structure shall be approved by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members at an annual meeting of the Chapter or by the majority of respondents to an electronic survey or e-mail ballot. Changes in membership categories, once approved by the majority of members, shall go into effect in the next membership year.

Anyone who is pursuing educational communication courses may become a student member and shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership, except the right to vote and hold office. Applicants must show proof of student status.

3.2 Membership Year

The membership year shall be from September 1 - August 31, and will align with the NSPRA fiscal year for financial purposes. 

As soon as possible after the annual NSPRA seminar, the VP of Member Services will notify all current members who have not paid dues for the new year (September - August). In non-conference years, notification should be given as soon as possible after August 31. Members who do not renew membership by September 30 will not have access to members-only benefits until dues are paid or until registered for the next conference.